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Radite isto što i Kate Upton pa će sve ostalo doći samo od sebe

Lifestyle / Flash | 19. 02. 2017. u 11:21 R.I.

Tekst članka se nastavlja ispod banera

Kate Upton ove godine po treći put krasi naslovnicu magazina Sports Ilustrated Swimsuit. Kako ova prsata ljepotica održava svoj fitnes, pojasnio je njezin osobni trener Ben Bruno.

Umjesto stroge dijete, Kate Upton kombinira kombinaciju zdrave hrane, boravka na svježemu zraku, sportskih aktivnosti i treninga za jačanje mišića.

"Znam da je Kate mogla inspirirati mnoge djevojke koje su prije mislile kako će dizanjem tegova postati snažne i pretile, stoga to nisu ni činile. Sada one izgledaju kao Kate pa i dalje vrijedno treniraju", kazao je njezin trener za E!News.

Kako se sve to odvija?

Polsijepodne izlazimo skupa ili ona sama sa svojim psom Harleyjem ide u šetnju. Predstoji li nam važan shooting, igramo jedan sat tenis svakodnevno", pojašnjava Bruno.

"Vježba za osnaživanje je praktično naš glavni 'jelovnik', a i prilog. Svatko ima svoje mjesto za stolom. Općenito smo koncentrirani na trening snage. A to bi trebale činiti i sve druge žene koje žele promijeniti nešto na svome tijelu", pojašnjava čovjek zadužen za figuru Kate Upton.

#Repost @benbrunotraining ··· Kate Upton (@kateupton) demonstrates an assisted 1 arm/1 leg row with great technique. While rows are ostensibly an upper body exercise, this is more of full body exercise that also works the glutes, hamstrings, hip stabilizers, and core, giving you a great bang for your buck. I’ve found that for most clients, true 1 arm/1 leg rows become too much of a balance exercise to get much of a training effect, but using the foam roller for assistance helps just enough with balance that you can use substantial weights without worrying about tipping over. In fact, after getting the hang of the movement, most of my female clients can use almost the same weight on this exercise that they use for traditional dumbbell rows on the bench, so it’s by no means a foo-foo exercise. When you progress to more challenging weights, you’ll feel the glutes working like crazy, and as a nice bonus, I’ve noticed that as a byproduct, clients tend to improve their single leg RDL form, allowing them to progress to bigger weights there as well. There’s a tendency to want to open up the hips to the side of the working arm and flare the toes out to the side (I call this the “peeing dog”), but to get maximum benefit for the hips and core, the key is to keep your body as still as possible with your hips and torso square.

A post shared by Kate Upton (@kateupton) onJan 31, 2017 at 1:45pm PST

Kad si priuštiš toliko tjelesnih aktivnosti, jasno je da imaš i određeni bonus po pitanju jela.

"Ona se povremeno počasti nekom delicijom. Podrazumijeva se da su to pretežito zdrave namirnice, ali ona voli vino i slatkiše. Dakako, radi se o količinama koje konzumirate. Ponosan sam na njezin stil rada. Mnogi ljudi postaju opsjednuti kad predstoji važan događaj, ali ona je postigla modus ujednačenog načina življenja", kaže Ben Bruno, osobni trener modela Kate Upton.

Reppin @britneyspears #workbitch @benbrunotraining ··· Kate Upton (@kateupton) crushes some heavy landmine bench squats with great technique. Strong! Taller lifters, and particularly those with proportionally longer femurs, tend to struggle to stay upright with traditional squats and often default to folding forward, which puts a lot of undue strain on the lower back. Using the landmine helps to stay more upright to protect the lower back, and the arc of the bar helps encourage more of a posterior weight shift to work the glutes more while also taking stress off the knees. As an added bonus, loading in this manner is also a great way to work the anterior core and upper back. Squatting to a bench serves the dual purpose of being a depth gauge to ensure a full range of motion while also helping to aid with form.

A post shared by Kate Upton (@kateupton) onDec 19, 2016 at 12:46pm PST

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